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EUROPA. Migrants: Europeans in the UK asks the question; What does home mean to you? This photography exhibition and event will be held on Sunday, 7th of May, from 6.00 pm to 9.30 pm. At the Hive Dalston, Kingsland road.

Today we are living transitional and uncertain times, when we are in/ out Europe. We are outside Europe after last year Referendum's outcome, but we are in Europe because the exit has to be negotiated.

EUROPA is an exhibition of art which enables people to showcase their artwork. EUROPA's aim is to reach and engage an extensive and diverse community in the course of daily life through "Identity- Photography- Voice". 

The exhibiting photographers are:
Graham Evans, Julio Etchart, Susana de Dios, Rita Alvarez Tudela, 
Andreia Alves de Oliveira, Dabid Bate, Heike L, Raquel Carro Lopez, Borja Pena, Silvia Dabrio, Laura Franco Martinez, Rachel and Eloise Mangaya.

The exhibition will be part of a programme; talks and poetry.

6.30 pm Introduction by the curator Zia Fernandez Ibarreche

6.40 pm ÉXODO talk by Rita Alvarez Tudela. A project documenting the Spanish nurses working today in the United Kingdom. They are a group of young professionals that are well qualified, with a university degree and a decent knowledge of English and are part of the most well-prepared generation of Spanish professionals in history. Still, they are forced to go abroad.

7.00 pm "The Ideology of Home" talk by Graham Evans.
Our Ideal Home
A Detached Dream
Like a Castle
Inside and Out
A Safe Environment
For our Children
And our Heritage

7.30 pm "Home in the time of Brexit" talk by Susana de Dios.
In the aftermath of the EU referendum on June 23rd last year, many UK-based Europeans have been left with feelings of insecurity and anxiety about what the future might hold for them and their families.
The photodocumentary series “At Home: Europeans in the UK” offers a glimpse into their lives and their homes and explores what it means to feel “at home” in the current social and political climate. For this project, Susana is asking the people showed on the photographs the question: What does home mean to you?

7.45 pm "Meditation on migration; the son of European migrants to the Americas who arrived as an exile in Britain on the year of the 1974 referendum of accession to the EU" talk by Julio Etchart.

8.00 pm "A place Called Diaspora" talk by Andreia Alves de Oliveira. A Place Called Diaspora (2015–ongoing), a project investigating the personal effects of emigration through interviews, portraits and photographs of places. I will focus on the participants' complex experience of what it means to “feel at home” and I will discuss why I have deliberately chosen not to photograph their houses or the domestic space.

8.30 pm Drinks and debate​

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